1. CONTINGENCIES: Seller shall not be liable for failure to supply goods in consequence of labour, procurement or distribution difficulties, acts of God, Fofiuitous events or other causes of a like or unlike nature reasonably beyond its control, during the period of and to the extent of such disability. Deliveries omitted during such period may be eliminated from this contract atseller’s option without liability on its part.
2. TITLE: Title in goods and risk of their loss shall pass to buyer upon their delivery to truck, trailer or other means oftransportation at seller’s plant.
3. SHIPMENTS: Shipments shall be routed by seller. Shipping dates are given in good faith, but are not guaranteed, and buyershall have no claim for damages resulting from delay,
4. PAYMENT: Unless otherwise noted, invoices shall be paid in full within 30 days following date ol shipment. Seller neverthelessreserves the right at any time to require security satisfactory to seller for the performance of buyers’s obligations, to suspend
the manutacture, delivery or shipment ol all or any of the goods until such security is given, and to require payment againstdelivery.
5. CLAIMS AND WARRANTIES: Claims shall be restricted to the price of detective goods as shown on seller’s invoice, calculatedpro rata where invoice includes other goods. No claims shall be valid or enforceable unless it is made in writing within 10 daysafter receipt of goods at destination. Warranty as to suitability of goods for any particular purpose or conditions is expresslyexcluded. Buyer shall have no claim for consequential damages.
6. MARKING: Seller reserves the right to affix its imprint to all goods unless the buyer specifies to the contrary.
7. ERR0RS AND 0MlSSl0NS: All quotations, acknowledgements and invoices are subject to correction for any errors andomissions.
8. AMENDMENTS: These terms and conditions shall not be amended or altered except by writing signed by one of the seller’s executive ollicers.
9. C0NFLICT: lf any of the terms of buyer’s offer to purchase as set out in its purchase order are in conflict with these Terms andConditions, the latter shall govern unless buyer’s terms are expressly accepted in writing by seller. Buyer’s purchase ordershall constitute an acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
10. GOVERNING LAW: The laws of the province in which title in goods passes to the buyer shall govern.
11. CANCELLATI0N: 0rders in process of manufacture are not subject to cancellation changes or specification changes